Home Farm House
Luxury Guest Accommodation
in the heart of Dorset
Privacy Statement
Your privacy is important to us, so we’ll always keep your details secure. We’d like to use your details to keep in touch about things that may matter to you.
If you choose to hear from us we may send you information based on what is most relevant via email in the form of a newsletter. We may at times need to contact you directly with information regarding your booking, past present or future.
We’ll only send these to you if you agree to receive them and we will never share your information with any third party.
If you agree to receive information from us you can change your mind at any time. However, if you tell us you don’t want to receive any communication from us then you may not hear about events or other information that may be of interest to you.
We only use your personal data on relevant lawful grounds as permitted by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (from 25 May 2018)/UK Data Protection Act and Privacy of Electronic Communication Regulation.