Scaffolding, Skips and Sash Windows

So, the renovations have started in earnest, we have tradesmen on site and the kettle is working overtime. Windows have been removed, refurbished and re-sashed, and the scaffolding has gone up so that the guttering, outside painting and insertion of new rooflights can go ahead.
As with all building projects, the timescale has slipped, mainly due to our new friends in planning - I know that they have a very important job to do in preserving our lovely old buildings, but really...... OK - let it go.....
We are aiming to be open by the end of May, so we have been busy sourcing lovely pieces of furniture and other bits and bobs from local antique emporiums - shopping - YAY! We are very lucky to have a plethora of vintage barns, outlets and quirky shops to choose from and it's amazing what you can find at reasonable prices. Amongst other things, we managed to get 10 mahogony dining chairs for the breakfast room - they will need re-upholstering, but other than that they are sound and solid, and as I am a collector of pieces of material (yes, they will come in handy one day..) I have no shortage of ideas.
Setting up a B&B can appear daunting, but it's also great fun. Thinking about possible local partnerhips can really set you up for the future, especially if you are starting from a standing position. Get to know your local places of interest, look for synergy in your networking and joint working; by setting up strong alliances you will be helping each other, giving and gaining access to each others' contacts. Recommendation and referral are by far the best forms of advertising and only cost you a little time and effort - it's worth putting it in at the front end; but remember for any partnership to flourish it has to be maintained and add value - to both parties.
Oh gottta dash as there is a builder gesticulating through the window - silly me its tea break time.....
See you soon with more updates.
p.s What do you think of the new logo's.... and here are some links: